Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.
I ranked that statement as a 4, because I think that it is okay to lie as long as it does not hurt someone else and there is purpose to it. I don't think random, compulsive lying is acceptable, but if there is a rational reason then it is fine.
Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem.
I ranked this one as a 4 because I think that is fairly true. Most of the time there are ways to avoid violence, but sometimes people just need to let their physical anger out. Sometimes pushing down the urge to fight will just make it boil over later.
It is okay to kill someone in self-defense.
I said that statement was a 3, because it is not all right to kill people, but sometimes it may come to that in serious combat. I think that it would be okay to do that if you knew they would do the same to you if put in that position. If it really was a fight to the death, then you would have to kill them if you did not want to be killed yourself.
Words are stronger than fists.
I ranked this statement as a 2, because I think that words can be stronger, but in some senses fists would work better. If it is in a civilized setting, words would be the best course of action. Sometimes in war, primal instincts beat the idea of words solving problems.
Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem.
I said that this statement was a 4, because I think that is the reason most of the time. I think that some people are just genuinely mean, with a bad heart. The real mean people are not doing it because of self esteem issues.
Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders.
I ranked this statement as a 2, because I think everyone should have equal opportunity. It makes sense that the brighter students would be selected more often for leadership placement, but everyone should be able to try for leadership positions. Just because everyone has the opportunity to try for a spot doesn't mean it will be given away to someone unsuited for a job.
Revenge is never justified.
I said this statement was a 4 because most of the time it isn't justified. Sometimes, revenge is a good thing though. Getting even is not always a bad thing, because all people are supposed to be equal on some level.
Crying is evidence of weakness.
I said this statement was a 2, because I think it does show weakness, but that is a good thing. When people cry it is a release of fear or tension, and people have to do that. I wish I cried more often, but I just don't cry very much.
Any action is acceptable in war.
I said this statement was a 5 because I think that makes sense. "All's fair in love and war" is a common saying that I think is pretty reasonable. If a person commits to fighting a war, then they are smart to expect anything.
Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves.
I ranked this as a 3. I think that some teenagers can be completely crazy and unreasonable, but I don't think that applies to everyone. Some teenagers "rebel", so I think discipline is needed there. Some people thrive off of discipline, but it is not always needed.
Only through personal sacrifice can someone create positive change.
I said that was a 2. I think there are lots of times when change comes because of personal sacrifice, but that is not the only way change is created. Change can happen because of chance, or overtime without sacrifice. That is merely one way to do things.
Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.
I rated that as a 4. Creating compassion is a primary way to create peace. It is hard to have peace when you don't understand someone else or their motives. Once their is mutual understanding, peace can come much easier in a situation where there is strife and war.
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