Friday, January 27, 2012

Trash Response Questions

1.  The conditions in Colva Prison are terrible. People are crammed into small cages and it is very hot. The cages are stacked on top of one another. It smells bad and it is very crowded. It is very loud. I think children would be locked up there because of needing food or money, and doing bad things to get it such as stealing, or just general violence.
2.  Olivia and Gardo got a visit with Olondriz by paying people  in the administration bribes.
3.  What Raphael learned about Rat was that he had several thousand pesos saved up in his house. He also learned that Rat was saving up to buy a boat and go back to his home, Sampalo, and live there by the ocean and fish.
4.  The gardener tells Raphael and Rat that the houseboy, Jose Angelico, had taken six thousand dollars from the Senator and escaped with it in an old fridge. Angelico put in in a fridge that was old and being replaced, and got the people that delivered the new one to take him and the fridge away with the money. He paid them to do it.
5.  If I got six million dollars, I would do various things with it. I would probably put some in bank accounts to save up, have some just for fun things, give some to my parents for whatever they needed it for, and donate some to charity.

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