Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Drones Personal Response

The idea of drones scares me. The way that they are so violent yet so distant seems a bit too futuristic for me to comprehend. I understand how we have technological advances with iPhones and tablets, but I don't like to think that war is becoming distant and impersonal; if a person is fighting I think they should only be able to do the damage they can cause themselves. To me, drones seem like the Facebook of violence: we can accomplish things or cause problems from the safety of our own homes, and we don't have to be around to face the backlash and various results of our actions. Everything people do these days is done so that the least amount of effort possible is involved, and if that has reached war then why do we still have battles to fight? If the human race is so lazy that we make technology do all of our fighting for us, then I think that world leaders need to take a better look at what we are fighting for. War is most of the time an unnecessary and costly evil, but with drones it seems that it would become even more pointless. If there is really fighting to be done then we should have the dignity to go fight our own issues out in person. If everyone just shoots drones at each other then the one with the most firepower will always be the winner.

I don't like to think about the future, in fact I am afraid of it. If drones are going to become the way to fight then there is more to be afraid of. What if, hypothetically, I get a person with a big drone collection mad at me twenty years from now? I could be killed in an instant and not be able to do anything to stop it or protect myself. Similarly, I like to have relations with actual people, and I feel like because our personal connections and relations are very technology oriented then we should try to minimize technology elsewhere in our lives. I know that eventually the world will involve drones and many more advanced technologies that I can't yet imagine, I just feel like we should try to postpone that for a while and be happy with what we already have, not what we are trying to create. I see that there are many positive sides of drones as well; they are an advanced way to fight which I'm sure is a great achievement to some people. They are a fun hobby for collectors and have everyday purposes such as scouting for traffic reports and Google Earth. I am sure drones are going to do great things for humanity in the next hundred years, I just don't like them invading life now.

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